How to make a cup of Matcha if you don't own a bamboo whisk?

You really don't need any fancy pants equipment to enjoy Matcha! You can find items already in your kitchen to help you enjoy it.

One important suggestion we would make however is to invest in a fine mesh tea strainer. 

A key trick to getting minimal residue at the bottom of your cup is pushing the Matcha Powder first through a tea strainer into your cup. That way the already fine powder becomes extra fine. This is a very important step! 

So let's weigh up the different options to make an easy cup of delicious Matcha. 

Spoon vs Whisk vs Milk Frother vs Tea Shaker!

Let's find out what method makes the most frothy delicious Matcha going round! 

First up...the simple spoon!

Matcha Latte with Spoon

You can most definitely make a cup of Matcha with a spoon.

It may not dissolve all of the powder with the water but if you don't own a whisk or shaker, it will still do the job!

  1. Sift 1-2 tsp matcha into a cup using the tea strainer. 
  2. Add 1/4 cup hot water. For best results use water no hotter than 80 degrees Celsius. 
  3. Stir vigorously until powder is dissolved in the water.
  4. Top up with more hot water and stir again to combine. Alternatively add heated milk to make a latte.


Next in line...the bamboo whisk! 

Bamboo whisk making Matcha

 Traditionally used for hundreds of years in Japan as part of tea ceremony, the fine prongs on the whisk (known in Japanese as a Chasen) are highly effective to dissolve powder into water and froth up the Matcha on top.

How to use? It takes a bit of practise but it really is not too difficult.

    1. Sift 1-2 tsp matcha into a cup using the tea strainer. 
    2. Add 1/4-1/2 cup hot water. For best results use water no hotter than 80 degrees Celsius.
    3. Whisk vigorously in a zig zag motion until the tea is frothy.
    4. Pull the whisk up through the middle of the froth to make a frothy peak. 


 How about an electric handheld milk frother? 

Matcha latte made with aerolatte milk frother

This method works a treat to make a Matcha latte! 

For frothing up a Matcha with just powder and hot water, it will be tricky but add milk into the equation, and the handheld milk frother can be a dream. 

    1. Sift 1-2 tsp matcha into a cup using the tea strainer. 
    2. Add 1/4-1/2 cup hot water. For best results use water no hotter than 80 degrees Celsius.
    3. Stir vigorously until powder is dissolved in the water.
    4. Warm up milk on stove and add to Matcha.
    5. Place milk frother into the cup and froth for as long as it takes to create froth. Be sure the bottom of the milk frother doesn't go above the milk surface as it will get messy! 

Lastly, our Tea Shaker!

Matcha Tea Shaker

We own all three of the above tools but what do we use everyday for guaranteed frothy Matcha, every time?

Our Tea Shaker of course! 

The secret lies in the unique lid, purpose built with holes to aerate the Matcha and froth it up, whether it be just with water or milk or both!

It was designed and developed in Japan to mimic what a bamboo whisk does but in a far more convenient and consistent way. 

    1. Sift 1-2 tsp matcha into the tea shaker through the provided tea strainer
    2. Add 1/4-1/2 cup hot water. For best results use water no hotter than 80 degrees Celsius.
    3. Put lid on and shake up and down 10-20 times.
    4. Make sure the cap, silicon ring and bottle are tightly shut.
    5. Pour into a cup to enjoy delicious frothy Matcha
    6. Or to make a latte, simply add 1/4-1/2 cup of heated milk to the shaker and shake to combine.

Want to see these all put to the test?

Watch this video to see how they all fare and which one reigns supreme! 



We hope you enjoy learning about all the various ways to make Matcha! 

Ready to get started and make an easy cup of Matcha? We Ship our Matcha Tea Sets Worldwide. Shop Now Below ⬇️ 

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